A well-designed bag is an excellent addition to any woman’s outfit. No wonder many women are obsessed with designer handbags and spend an excruciating amount of time swooning over them. Whether we appreciate their premium quality or they can satisfy our desires for luxury, we have to admit that we all covet luxury bags. But to be honest, those iconic branded bags such as Hermès, Marc Jacobs, and Prada are not the brands to fill our closet because most of us are ordinary working persons rushing forward for our own lives, rather than the celebrities who possess a dozen offshore mansions.
But there are still some affordable brand bags an ideal alternative in terms of craftsmanship and design (although they are certainly not as sophisticated as big-named brand bags). These bags are perfect for you if you are balling on a budget as of late but need something good to freshen up your wardrobe.
Shop Our Picks
1. Women's Satin Flower FloralEvening Bag Wedding Handbags

Dimensions: 7.87 × 1.97 × 4.72 inches | Material: Satin | Price: $19.37
Are you going to dress up to attend a wedding party or have a formal evening dinner with your boyfriend but lack a small exquisite handbag to match your gorgeous dress? This is the best choice for you. It looks super stylish and adorable at an incredibly affordable price of $19.37.
2. Women’s Mesh Shoulder Bag
Dimensions: 10.63 × 2.36 × 4.72 inches | Material: Mesh & Faux Leather | Price: $45.9
This clear handbag for work is minimalist yet can gain you the envious look of others. It doesn’t have pockets and pouches to help you organize, but the large compartment is enough for daily commuting. And the eye-catching color will make you look radiant.
3. Trendy Large-Capacity Tote Bag
Dimensions: 16.1 × 5.5 × 12.5 inches | Material: PU Composite Fabric & PU Leather | Price: $39.99
This PU material handbag is commute-friendly if you need to take your laptop to an office, café, or park. It provides a padded compartment to protect your iPad, Macbook, or laptop on the commute. The black and brown combo looks very fashionable. A bag that is worth every penny!
4. Large Capacity Canvas Waterproof Laptop Tote Bag for Women

Dimensions: 16.1 × 12.6 × 5.9 inches | Material: PU leather & Canvas Fabric | Price: $39.99
Want an affordable handbag that serves you different missions? This versatile laptop shoulder bag for ladies is suitable for everyday use and travel thanks to its large capacity. It has four large compartments for bulky stuff, three slots for cards and pens, and one outside pocket for easy access to small items. There are four different color options available.
5. Large Waterproof PU Leather Work Briefcase with USB Charging Port
Dimensions: 16.7 × 6.7 × 12 inches | Material: PU Leather & Polyester Lining | Price: $42.99
Have you ever had a crazy day with your friend and found your cell phone dead when you were ready to go home? Such experiences can make you instantly panic because we have relied on our smartphones to travel, play, and, most importantly, keep in touch with the world. This gal handbag has got you covered with a built-in USB charging port. You can charge your phone while walking or shopping conveniently.