A handbag travel bag is a must-have in everyone’s wardrobe. It is an important investment for frequent travelers. Travel handbags come in different shapes and sizes so that they offer us ample capacity to store all our travel essentials. And most importantly, they can keep our belongings organized and handy while sightseeing. You know how convenient a travel handbag is if you had the experience of lugging your stuff in a hard-shell suitcase down a crowded street.
With many different options to choose from out there, your choices may be limitless. The capacity always comes first in your consideration. But putting this element aside, there are other things to consider—Style. Going on a trip doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your vogue in wearing. If you dress stylishly, a good designer handbag can surely elevate your look within minutes. Other things you may want to look at are affordability, safety, and texture.
No matter what kind of tote bag organizers you are looking for, we have narrowed down the best travel tote bags by different styles and needs that can serve you well on any occasion.
The Best Handbags for Travel to Buy:
Best Adorable: Ladies Printing Weekender Bag Overnight Carry-on Duffel
Dimensions: 15.7 × 6.7 × 13.8 inches | Material: Polyester
This colorful duffel bag may be small, but it is ideal for those who like to travel light. It has multiple zipper pockets to keep your passport, credit cards, and cash, making them accessible while going through airport security or shopping. The floral printing exterior is so aesthetic that ladies can hardly tear themselves away from it.
Best for Versatility: Striped Canvas Travel Bag
Dimensions: 20.5 × 9.4 × 16.5 inches | Material: Canvas
This packable weekender bag is equipped with a detachable strap, meaning it can be carried like an everyday crossbody bag and a shoulder tote bag. The large capacity makes this bag a perfect travel companion on those full-day sightseeing trips.
Best Budget: Medium Size Cell Phone Crossbody Purse for Women
Dimensions: 10.62 × 3.54 × 6.29 inches | Material: PU Leather
Featured with a sophisticated irregular snakeskin pattern, this crossbody bag for cell phones is fashionable enough to carry for shopping without feeling embarrassed. Not only that, it only costs $39.99, isn’t it affordable? It comes in 3 interior pockets, offering you just enough space to fit all your belongings for recreation and outings.
Best Overall: Trendy Large-Capacity Tote Bag
Dimensions: 18.5 × 5.5 × 12.1 inches | Material: PU Leather
We love the black and brown combo of this laptop tote bag for women. The magnetic snap pocket and metal zipper provide you with reliable protection for your stuff. It includes a main compartment to house electronics, such as laptops, tablets, and iPad. The material is waterproof, so you will have no trouble keeping personal items dry and clean on rainy days.
Travel Tips:
1. Take out travel insurance that covered COVID.
2. Budget your trip.
3. Learn and respect the local culture.
4. Double-check before leaving.