We love the elegance of top-handle designer bags, but the idea of having extra free hand would always thrill us. Comfortable, chic, and convenient, there are only good things to describe crossbody bags!
With a shortened strap thrown over your shoulder and the bag positioned directly under your chest, crossbody bags keep everything you need in arm’s reach without grabbing in your hand or taking your bag off like you have to do with a backpack. Whether texting messages with two hands instead of one thumb on the way to a business meeting or hanging out with your boyfriend on a romantic date night, a small everyday crossbody bag is an ideal option for all events and occasions.
If you, too, feel genuine delight at the thought of a hands-free accessory, keep scrolling to find the best cross bags for ladies that will satisfy your everyday need and stylish desires.
1. Mini Check and Leather Bowling Bag
Let’s start with Burberry’s black cross body bag with gold chain. Features the signature monogram that is set with light-catching crystals, it is a high-end luxury crossbody bag that does not disappoint in terms of style, functionality, and efficiency.
2. Mini Puzzle Bag in Satin Calfskin
$2,350 AT LOEWE
We love this fashion mini bag from Loewe! It comes in five stunning colors. It can double as a minimalist handbag if you remove its detachable crossbody strap. It is a simple shape, but it’s still highly recognizable as a luxury bag.
3. Multi-compartment Stylish Phone Bag
If all you need to carry with you is your cell phone (or maybe other small items such as keys), there is nothing better for you than a small cellphone bag. It has two big compartments for your phone or on-the-go beauty products, and one cash compartment. This small phone bag is an ideal option for a casual day out.
4. Kinley Crossbody
If you are looking for a more modern option that does not have to break your bank, look no further than this compact crossbody bag from Fossil. With three pockets inside and three exterior ones, this bag is spacious enough no matter for daily wear or special events. There are eleven colors available now.
5. Cotton Canvas Padlock Small Top Handle
$2,690 AT TOM FORD
Tom Ford’s crossbody bag with pockets is a must-have to add glamour to any ordinary outfit. We appreciate its leather drawstring fastening that allows you to adapt the size of the bag. The bag has one compartment, two internal pockets, an iconic signature padlock, and an adjustable and detachable shoulder strap.
6. Ontario Tan Saddle Crossbody Bag
$89.95 AT MYER
If you are not a bold dresser or try to avoid standing out, go for this women’s crossbody saddle bag. The understated color and simple design while still maintaining a cool, timeless quality. You can pair it with a floral dress or something as simple as a pair of jeans and a T-shirt.